3 Ways to Use Freedom to Be Productive and Mindful

3 Ways to Use Freedom to Be Productive and Mindful
FREEDOM. Maybe you had a friend recommend us, or maybe you read about our Raleigh-Durham startup. You might have seen the occasional tweet “Going dark for the next 3 hours to get some writing done #amwriting @Freedom.” Or maybe your only association with Freedom involves bald eagles and American flags.
But what exactly is Freedom and what does it do? (For more about “why” and “for whom” we built Freedom, see our Manifesto.)
With the launch of the Freedom platform, we no longer see ourselves as just an app to block the internet. We give you control to block specific websites, apps or the entire internet when and where you want. It’s a platform that works across all your devices and provides that rare, quiet, focused space that allows you to THINK.
Here are some of our favorite ways that you can use Freedom to stay zoned, productive, and focused on what matters most.
Whether meeting a deadline or studying – we’ve all needed a little help staying focused. This is what Freedom is probably most known for – blocking distracting sites. Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, ESPN, Gmail, or Youtube – we allow users to block their biggest distractions for a set period of time. Facebook doesn’t distract you? Well, Freedom lets you create your own personal block list of your time-eating enemies.
Another valuable feature of Freedom is the ability to block distracting apps across all your devices. Addicted to Instagram on your iPad? Is your iPhone CandyCrush habit taking years off your productive life? Block them using Freedom! Whether for 30 minutes or for 3 hours every morning, Freedom lets you decide when these applications can have your attention.
How many times have you been right in the middle of a thought only to have it whisked away by a buzz announcing that you just received an email from Target about a sale on strollers? You might not even have a toddler, and yet your attention has been lost, your clear focused line of thought – shattered. Set up an offline schedule with Freedom to designate times during the week when you need to be completely disconnected (kind of like airplane-mode-on-a-schedule). Freedom will provide relief from all the notifications, buzzes, and beeps the internet sends your way, allowing you to stay focused and on-task.
Then again, maybe you don’t have a deadline but just need to unplug, log off, and sign out. Whether you want to be able to focus more on the kids, or just be present for what is right in front of you, Freedom can give you the peace and quiet from the digital world you crave.