Be more productive: Block distracting websites and apps on all your devices with Freedom - try Freedom today

Freedom vs Opal vs BlockSite – Which one should you choose?

If you’re constantly losing the fight against digital distractions, it’s time to consider a website and app blocker. It might be just the thing that will help you level up your productivity, help you control your screen time, or help you break an online habit.

But with great options like Freedom, Opal, and BlockSite on the table, which one should you choose?

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when trying to pick the right tool to manage your screen time effectively. Each app boasts its own set of features, with Freedom offering comprehensive multi-platform syncing, Opal dazzling with its slick iOS-centric design and captivating features, and BlockSite providing a varied experience across devices. 

In this comparison, we’ll dive deep into these three popular tools to help you understand how they stack up against each other.

So, are you ready to find out which distraction blocking tool can truly help you reclaim your time and boost your productivity? 

Let’s get started.

Comparing Features Across Platforms

When you’re battling digital distractions, the tools you choose to manage your screen time can be game-changers. Let us dive deep into the functionalities of three major players in this field: Freedom, Opal, and BlockSite

Each platform offers unique features aimed at enhancing productivity by blocking websites and apps, but the big question is which one is right for you?

Overview of Each App’s Platform Availability and Sync Capabilities


Platform Availability: iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, and Chrome

Sync Capabilities: Offers robust multi-platform synchronization, allowing consistent website and app blocking across all your devices. This means whether you’re working on your laptop, browsing on your tablet, or checking messages on your phone, Freedom keeps you focused by ensuring a unified distraction-free environment across all platforms. Freedom is purpose built for professionals who need it to do a job: block distractions.


Platform Availability: iOS, Mac, Chrome (does not sync)

Sync Capabilities: As an iOS-centric app, Opal does not provide cross-device synchronization. This limitation means if you use multiple devices beyond Apple’s ecosystem, you won’t enjoy a seamless blocking experience. It also provides a rich array of features, that, while interesting for self evaluation and quantification, may become distractions in themselves.


Platform Availability: Chrome, iOS and Android

Sync Capabilities: Although available on several platforms, BlockSite struggles with seamless sync features, which can lead to differences in user experience. Users might find certain sites blocked on one device while accessible on another, potentially undermining the app’s effectiveness.

feature comparison of Freedom, Opal, and Blocksite

Detailed Feature Comparison

Blocking Capabilities


Known for its ease of setup and robustness, Freedom allows users to block websites, apps, and even the internet with just a few clicks. It’s especially effective for those who need a broad barrier against distractions. Freedom’s strength lies in broad and precise control, allowing users to decide exactly what to block and when. This includes customizable blocklists and the ability to schedule blocking sessions ahead of time. These blocking capabilities extend across Mac, Windows, iOS, Android and Chrome and most notably, a Freedom “session” can be synchronized across any or all devices a user has, in any combination so that distractions can be controlled from any source without having to use different products or solutions.

Have a Mac and an Android phone? A Windows computer and an iPhone?  Set up your block on any device and it will sync to any other device where you’re logged in

Featuring a modern and slick interface, Opal’s functionality is geared towards iOS users. The attractive design is loaded with non-blocking features that for some users may be interesting and informative, and for others may be more distracting than helpful. This feature-heavy approach can pull attention towards managing and interacting with the app itself rather than easing into a distraction-free routine. Opal provides users with focused blocking options such as the ability to selectively block distracting apps while allowing others. Its blocking functionality derives from on an integration with Apple’s ScreenTime API, and allows for various blocking configurations, schedules, and blocking options. 

Offers a straightforward blocking mechanism, but the interface and functionality can vary widely between platforms. This inconsistency could be confusing, especially for users who expect a uniform experience across devices.Its primary advantage lies in its simplicity, which might appeal to users who do not need extensive customization. 

User Interface and Experience


Its interface is attractive and clean – primarily focused on functionality. This straightforward approach means less time spent navigating through the app and more time enjoying a productive environment.

Opal’s design is aesthetically pleasing and modern, which might appeal to users who value visually engaging interfaces. However, its slick design is a double-edged sword. The app is so feature-rich and engaging that it can become a distraction itself, requiring significant user attention to manage settings and engage with features.

Simple and to the point, BlockSite’s interface should theoretically make blocking sites easy. However, the variation in interface from one platform to another can leave users spending more time figuring out how to use the app effectively than actually benefiting from its features.
Simple and to the point, BlockSite’s interface should theoretically make blocking sites easy. However, the variation in interface from one platform to another can leave users spending more time figuring out how to use the app effectively than actually benefiting from its features.

Consumer Feedback and Performance Analysis


Users often praise Freedom for its robust functionality and the ability to sync across multiple devices, which significantly helps maintain a focused workflow. However, some users have noted that while the app is powerful, it can be less intuitive for new users, requiring some initial customization to get the most out of its features.

Opal receives accolades for its user interface and the overall user experience it offers on iOS devices. The app’s design is frequently described as attractive, intuitive and motivating. Nonetheless, some critics focus on its iOS-only limitation and the overly complex features that may demand more attention than they should, potentially interrupting the workflow it aims to streamline.

BlockSite’s feedback varies significantly between platforms, reflecting its inconsistent user experience. While some users find it effective for basic blocking needs, others express frustration over its lack of synchronization features and varying degrees of usability across different devices.

Pricing and Value for Money

$8.99 Monthly
$39.99 Yearly ($3.33/mo)
$99 Lifetime (with web discount)

$19.99 Monthly
$99.99 Yearly ($8.29/mo)
$399 Lifetime

$19.99 Monthly
$38.99 Yearly ($3.25/mo)
$30 for 6 months ($5/mo)

Given its cross-platform capabilities and robust feature set, including scheduling, locked mode, focus sounds and device syncing, Freedom’s pricing offers considerable value, especially for the long-term user with the lifetime option.

While the app’s design is sleek in its iOS-centric version, the lack of multi-platform support might not justify the monthly or annual expense for users who use devices outside of the Apple ecosystem.

BlockSite’s premium version provides a solid range of features but faces limitations in sync consistency across devices, which may diminish its overall value compared to competitors.

Limiting Phone Use: Which App Does It Best?

Effectively managing screen time is crucial, but not all apps are created equal in this arena.


Freedom shines with its comprehensive approach to blocking both websites and apps across all devices. It allows detailed schedules and even offers “Locked Mode” to prevent changes during active block sessions, making it highly effective for those serious about reducing phone use.

Opal focuses primarily on app usage and offers unique features like “Focus Lock” that locks you out of selected apps for specified times. While effective within the iOS ecosystem, its utility is limited to iPhone and iPad users.

BlockSite allows users to block specific websites and apps but lacks the more sophisticated scheduling and lock-out features found in Freedom and Opal, making it less effective for users who need stringent control over their phone use.

Assessing Effectiveness of User Control Settings

The effectiveness of these apps significantly depends on user control settings that adapt to individual lifestyles and usage patterns.


Freedom’s settings are highly customizable, catering to various needs and schedules. Users can create blocklists, schedule blocking sessions and activate locked mode. This adaptability enhances its effectiveness, enabling users to maintain productivity without feeling overly restricted.

While Opal offers aesthetically pleasing and easy-to-navigate controls, the depth of blocking customization is more limited than Freedom. Users can setup focus sessions and daily limits. This could affect its effectiveness for users with specific needs or those using multiple digital devices.

Although straightforward, BlockSite’s settings vary by platform, which can lead to a disjointed experience. Users of Blocklist can filter adult content, use timers to manage time spent on apps. Users may find themselves needing to make adjustments depending on the device they are using, which can reduce the app’s overall efficacy in managing screen time.
Freedom screenshots

Customer support 

Effective customer support can dramatically impact the overall utility of any app. It defines the user’s experience, especially when customization and troubleshooting are required. 


Freedom distinguishes itself with exceptionally quick and personal customer support. Users can expect issues to be addressed, usually within a few hours. A live chat in the web Dashboard offers a direct connection to the Support team. The support team at Freedom is not only quick but also knowledgeable. They provide detailed, thoughtful solutions that address any user’s specific problem. 

Opal offers fewer options for real-time assistance. Support is primarily conducted via email and an in-app FAQ.  There is also a user community forum that serves to answer FAQ and highlight upcoming features and roadmaps.

As the most “faceless” of the three companies, BlockSite offers basic support options, but users often report varying experiences.  Support interactions are limited to automated responses or delayed replies.

Who’s it for?

Based on a review of the features, functionality, marketing communications, and general ethos of each product, some general assumptions can be made about who might be the ideal user for each product.


  • Professional knowledge workers: business people, executives, software developers, etc.
  • Creative professionals who need to focus and generate distinctive and original work
  • Students, graduate students, academics who need to block distractions in order to study, research, and write
  • Mac, Windows, iOS, Android, and Chrome users

Freedom has been under continuous and rigorous development for over a decade. It is built primarily to serve serious knowledge work professionals who need to focus in order to achieve a productive output. Freedom can be installed on any device and operating system, and runs in sync across multiple devices, so that distractions are blocked at any source.

Freedom is the cross-platform productivity solution for millions of users across the world, and includes public praise from celebrity users such as Greta Gerwig, Rami Malek, Rory McIlroy, Tim Ferriss, Kimbra and hundreds of others. Freedom is the choice of serious professionals.


  • iOS users interested in controlling their screen time and improving their relationship with their phone
  • Users who value self-quantification and expanded support to control screen time through gamification, community, and general self awareness for behaviour modification
  • With a recently-launched Mac app and expansion plans on the horizon, may evolve into a productivity app as well

Opal is an impressive iOS app and the team is clearly dedicated to solving the problem of compulsive device use. With a rich set of features that help users understand their screen time and device use, Opal is a solid solution for the iOS user seeking better digital wellbeing.


  • Chrome, iOS, and Android users who are looking for site or app blocking capabilities on individual devices
  • Could be a good choice for a student or knowledge worker whose distractions come from a single source

Since the functionality of the Chrome extension, the iOS app, and the Android app is each a bit different, and doesn’t include cross-device sync like Freedom, Blocksite’s user experience is hard to pin down. So it’s not clear who might be the ideal user. That said, the app has millions of users across each of its platforms, and this popularity may indicate a broad spectrum of users, whether seeking focus for productivity, digital wellbeing, or habit control.

The Team behind Freedom

The strength of any product is a direct reflection of the team behind it. And the team at Freedom isn’t just composed of software developers and marketers. It includes thought leaders and pioneers in the field of digital wellness. 

The core team at Freedom boasts decades of combined experience in software development, with a specific focus on productivity and digital wellness solutions. Many team members have been part of the digital wellness conversation since its inception. 

The development and policies governing Freedom are transparent, prioritizing user privacy and data protection above all. 

The Freedom team is also continuously innovating, ensuring that the app remains at the cutting edge of technology without sacrificing simplicity and user-friendliness. 

Freedom’s products include not only the leading cross-device distraction blocking tool, but also a suite of free Chrome extensions to help you further control distractions in the desktop browser.

Bringing it home 

How many times have you felt that tug, a silent pull from your devices, steering you away from work or a peaceful night’s sleep? Choosing the right app to manage your screen time isn’t just about picking a tool—it’s about choosing a partner in your journey toward better productivity and a healthier digital lifestyle.  

That’s where a robust digital solution steps in.

Freedom isn’t just another app; it’s your ally against the constant barrage of digital noise. Let’s remember why we’re here: to find a way to make technology work for us, not against us.  Freedom excels by ensuring that your digital environment across all your devices is consistent and conducive to your goals.

And when it comes to value per dollar, nothing even comes close to Freedom.

Use code COMPARE30 for a 30% discount on Freedom Yearly to start your journey today.

Written by Arlene Texeira