Introducing Limit – A Free Extension for Limiting Distracting Sites

We’re excited to announce Limit by Freedom – a free Chrome extension that allows you to set limits on distracting sites – helping you browse more mindfully and intentionally.
The internet is an endless source of distraction that can pull you away from your most important work for hours at a time. Most of us have firsthand experience with how easy it is for quick checks and searches to turn into hours of wasted time.
Whether on Facebook, email, or The New York Times – it’s easy to lose track of time without noticing.
Limit gives you better control of how you spend your time online by allowing you to set limits for your most distracting sites and reminding you when your time is up. Once your limit has been reached, Freedom’s green screen will appear to remind you that your time is up.
Limit comes with a list of suggested distracting sites to limit, however you can add whatever site you wish by simply typing in the site’s URL in Limit’s settings.
You can also customize each site’s limit (from 5 to 500 minutes) to fit your own needs. For example, you can set a 15-minute limit for Facebook, but give yourself more time on sites like and Netflix.
Limit is a product of Freedom Labs, our initiative to develop and offer new tools and content that expand the possibilities for how we manage our relationship with technology. We’ve got a few other products in the pipeline for Chrome that we’ll announce as they come online.
If you have any suggestions or features you’d like to see, please leave us a review and we’ll pass it along to our Dev team!