Resisting the Attention Economy: How to Do Nothing
It’s not your fault that distractions are coming at you from every single direction at all times — but you can fight back!
It’s not your fault that distractions are coming at you from every single direction at all times — but you can fight back!
This designer & musician knows that finding the time to disconnect is critical to our wellbeing.
Freedom’s first software engineer is also the founder of his own company! He filled us in on his entrepreneurial experiences building keyboards at Keebio.
Recent shifts to remote beg the question: could all those meetings have been emails? Yes, but effective asynchronous communication is key!
A conversation with the author, journalist, and host of The Solo Collective podcast on solitary working – and why you need never be alone.
It’s on the rise and it can happen to anyone, but prevention is better than cure when it comes to eliminating burnout.
The award-winning broadcaster joins us on the Freedom Matters podcast to discuss the importance of questioning ourselves.
Have you ever closed your Facebook app, telling yourself you were done for the day, only to mindlessly open it again without realizing it?